Autumn/Winter 2017
The Truth
by Monique J. Fortuné

Photo: "Child" (1988), Stephen J. Tyson, Sr.
They lied.
They lied.
They lied when they told you - you were too loud, too quiet, too much, too little, too poor, too rich, too pretty, too ugly,
too dark, too light, too fat, too skinny, too smart, too dumb.
They lied.
They lied when they said you wouldn't amount to anything. They lied when they said you could never realize your dreams. Who are they?
They is anyone who got in your head and you gave them permission to take up residence.
They are the ones who are still consumed by their own unattended pain.
Be the one who has the courage to love and live without resigned contrition.
Be the one who is too loud, too quiet, too much.
The truth is that you are not more or less. You are enough.
Monique J. Fortuné is a native New Yorker celebrating her African, Haitian, St. Kitts – Nevis ancestral roots as servant leader and collaborator, educator, poet, writer, and media consultant. She gives God all the honor and glory for every day she has the opportunity to live, love, laugh and serve.